2016 most useful apps for iphone
2016 most useful apps for iphone

2016 most useful apps for iphone 2016 most useful apps for iphone

WaniKani has over 2,000 kanji and 6,000 words sourced from the official joyo kanji guide established by the Japanese Ministry of Education. The Sensei: Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese Apologies to iOS users-you have to pay-but you’ll get your money’s worth.ģ. For creating decks, you might find it quicker to use the desktop version and then sync it with your device. This is particularly good for when you want to switch between reading kanji or vocabulary to being able to write them.Īnki can be used as an app, online, or a desktop version. You can then self-mark from Again to Easy, with the time in which the card will be repeated listed alongside the options.Īnki comes with a range of useful features.Īlong with being able to create your decks, Anki comes with a range of useful features, including an answer timer and the ability to flip the questions and answers. When presented with a flashcard, think of the answer and click to have it revealed. These can come with audio cues and hilariously cheesy stock photos for extra fun. These can range from just a word or kanji to vocabulary placed in sentences to help you understand the context. Afterward, you can pay a small fee for the premium version, which includes all lessons, including coverage for N5-N3 vocabulary and grammar.Īnki allows you to import kanji and vocabulary “decks” from popular textbooks or JLPT lists and then convert them into flashcards. While LingoDeer isn’t entirely free, you can learn all the basics such as hiragana and katakana, more than 1,000 essential Japanese phrases, and enjoy a deep dive into the first modules. Other awesome features include the ability to turn on furigana so you can study kanji, and learn the meaning and context of a particle with a simple tap. You can even slow down the speaker’s voice to be as accurate as possible in your pronunciation-indispensable to learning the language.

2016 most useful apps for iphone

Unlike other apps that have you memorizing Japanese vocabulary and phrases without context, LingoDeer features audio from native Japanese speakers and integrates words, sentences, and culture naturally that you can use in real life. Each lesson applies grammar and vocabulary that you learned from the previous one using several methods of testing. It follows a fun building-block approach that feels more like a game. LingoDeer will have you speaking Japanese and raising your fluency level from day one.

2016 most useful apps for iphone